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  • Inspection, diagnosis and various tests necessary for maintaining social overhead capital.


Structural Inspection and Diagnosis

Repairing design

Accurate assessment of structural performance and repairing design are necessary to conduct maintenance work early in considering the life cycle cost (LCC) to extend service life of structures by proper control of maintenance.

We can offer a systematic repairing plan by undertaking consistent work from inspection and diagnosis to repairing design.

Bridge inspection

Bridge is an important civil construction which connects isolated areas and also acts as a key construction to secure lifelines during natural disasters or emergencies.

We strive to obtain necessary information for maintenance by the bridge inspection and contribute to preventive safety, which will ensure safe and smooth transportation and disaster prevention for residents along roadside and outsiders.

Detailed inspection

It is indispensable for proper assessment of structural performance to inspect in detail, which is conducted by various tests such as the compressive strength test for concrete, the carbonation test, the chloride ion concentration test and the alkaline-silica reactivity test or inspection of the rebar condition and the corrosion diagnosis.

Coring works and demolition works necessary for detailed inspection are also conducted by us consistently.

Non-Destructive Tests

Rebar survey

Location and depth of reinforcements in the concrete structure are measured by the electromagnetic radar method/electromagnetic inductive method.

They can be used for quality management for the newly build structures and rebar arrangement confirmation for the existing structures and positioning of bars and pipes during anchoring or core boring.

Impact elastic wave test (iTECS method)

Estimation of the compressive strength, measurement of the thickness, inspection of internal defects distribution and the crack depth can be achieved by analyzing the form of the elastic wave propagating interior of the concrete, which was measured by non-destructive test equipment with the elastic wave radar system.

Test hammer method

Estimated compressive strength of concrete is calculated by the repulsion degree measured by a test hammer. This method is very easy to use and employed by many to date.

BOSS test

BOSS test is a micro-destructive test to confirm the strength of concrete using a test piece of a casted concrete. BOSS formwork is prepared and attached to the formwork of the constructive structure in advance. As formworks are filled with concrete simultaneously, the test piece can show strength characteristics under the same cure condition as the main structure.